Black: Powerful (2), Sad (1), Warm (5) ,Formal (1)
Yellow: Happy (9), Frustated (0), Sad (0), Angry (0)
Brown: Strong (2), Sad (2), Comfort (5), Intensity (0)
Purple: Wisdom (0), Exotic (4), Spiritual (5), Enthused (0)
White: Peaceful (5),Energetic (4), Unfriendly (0), Empty (0)
Green: Tranquil (6), Agitated (1), Lucky (2), Healthy (0)
Red: Sad (0), Love (7), Excitement (1), Intensity (1)
Orange: Calm (0), Energetic (5), Warm (2), Excited (2)
Pink: Sad (0),Calm (2), Agitated (2), Love (5)
Blue: Calm (8), Peaceful (0), Secure (1),Love (0)
Note: In each colour there is an incorrect adjetctive. Look for it!
Make a comments and tell us your favourite colour and whatever you want!!!
Hello Paqui lo que hicimos el otro day in class fue very good because aprendi lo que significaba my colour favourite the blue.Goodbye
Hello Paqui!
My fauvorite color is the red.
Me transmite alegria , fuerza , y amor.
hello paqui!!my favourite colour is blue. Blue brings feelings of calmness or serenity and is often described as peaceful ,tranquil, secure and orderly.
hello a todos!!!!my favorite colour is purple.Para mi gusto el color morado es un color muy exotico.goodbye.Noelia
hello Paqu
my favorite color is black and grenn
hello paqui my fabourite colour is blue. El transmite alegria ¿cual es el tullo?
hello paqui.lo que hicimos el otro dia fue algo divertido y mi color favorito es el verde.
hello paqui my favourite colour is purple and blue.lo que me trasmite is tranquility and libertad.
good bye
my favorite color is purple.
the color purple is exotic,spirituality and very very magic.
hello paki y compañ favorite colour is blue and express calm.bye bye
Hello at everybody. My favourite colour is the red. I like the red because is energy, warm, and positive. I think with the red isn't peaceful because transmite energy. Good bye at every children of 1ºA and 1ºB.
hello paqui for everyone lo de last day con los colors is very favourite color is blue bye bye
hello paqui
my favorite colour is blue
me transmite calma y seguridad
hello my favourite colour is pink, ami me transmite love.good bye!!
hello paqui my favorite color is orange y transmite alegria y ganas de comer.
Hi.My favourite colour is yellow.Because the yellow can álso increarse the metabolism.Bye,Bye.
Hello Paqui
My favorite colour is black.Para mi el Black is Powerful.Es muy intesesante este tema de los colores.Mario no sabia que te gustara el rojo es otro de mis colores favoritos.
hello kids!!my favorite colour is purple o blue !purple! because is a mixture of red and blue ,and is spirituality.see you
hello paqui.My favorite colour is red and express is love.
Hello Paqui my colour favourite is blue because can also create feelings of sadness of aloofness.Goodbye.
Hello kids,
My fovourite colour is the green.
Green is a cool colour that siymbolizes nature and the natural world.
Green also represnts tranquility, good luck, health, and jealousy.
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