Friday, 17 April 2009

23th of April BOOK´S DAY

read the below text and make a comment ...

...goodbye paper books
welcome ebooks....!

Are you reading a book, novel or magazine? Yes, what is it made of? ... paper of course. But ... did you know that a new generation of books is coming? Ther are called ebooks.
These books need a new type of electronic ink device to work properly. They will be light (as a sheet of paper), they will have a great memory and they will save a lot of paper ... SUPERECOLOGICAL!
The first ones are already in shops but some problems must be solved first: creens which make your head and eyes hurt, devices difficult to use, pictures in black and white and , o course, the price.
No! This is not science fiction, don´t give up!. Sooner or later they will be part of our life. But meanwhile, what about reading another interesting .... paper book?


Arjeandro said...

Hello, I don´t really agree about e-books. There are the future, but there aren´t so romantic like a paper book, there aren´t smells, there aren´t touch, and ecological? we must talking about this.

Adrian said...

Hello Paqui!
inpresionante is what you need in the future! electronicos books! por cierto fui el viernes al aula que dijiste pero vi a otra clase en el aula y no te vi perdona si no te lo dije. bye bye.

Miguel said...

Hello Paqui! The papers books is a interesting idea. In the future, we can read free books of internet and we have got hundreds of books in one ebook. Good bye.

Unknown said...

hello interesante interesante a he hecho el trabajo sobre el libro elestronico.bueno adios

Unknown said...

hello for everyone read the test and me parece una buena idea goodbye

Unknown said...

Hello Paqui The ebooks is very Good because es mejor para reciclar hacerlo por correo electronico lo malo es is very spensive.goodbye.

Unknown said...

Hi Paqui! The ebooks is interesting.
Can to be util.
But hurt your eyes.

pablo jesus said...

hello paqui i read the text and ebooks is good idea y sirve para reciclar

Noelia Pérez Ramos said...

hello!! recycle!!!es mejor utilizar los libros electronicos que los libros because estamos reciclando papel.RECICLA!!!

Unknown said...

hello paqui soy alberto ayer me lei la pagina que nos mandaste y creo que es muy necesario para todos

Jose Manuel said...

hi paqui.Es interesante la lectura e hecho el trabajo de el libro.Adios.

Patri&Luz..* said...

hello paqui somos luz and olga the text is very dificul and interesant va de unos libros electronicos que se van a hacer para no gastar tantos folios.

good bye paqui.

Yanina said...

hi paqui ya he leido la entrada, me parece muy interesante lo de los e-books aunque tambien tengan sus desventajas.see you.

Jesús Enrique said...

hello paqui me lo he leido y no entendia unas letras pero es una buena idea por que e entendido algo
bye bye

The Blog said...

hi paqui,the ebooks is good idea because is superecological.but is very spensive.Gooooooooood bye

Unknown said...

hello Paqui la ficha era muy interesante y que es muy necesaria.

Unknown said...

hello paqui!!i read the text is very interesant.bye,bye!!

Anonymous said...

hi!! paqui .me parece muy interesante lo de los libros del futuro pero sigo prefiriendo los de papel y tinta